The Car Park at Loch Katrine. As much a history of the motor car, as a history of the site!
Most of these images are from postcards. This a late 19thC photograph by Valentine, the card sent in 1903.
Another similar view, before the arrival of the motor car. An unposted 'Sepiatone Series' postcard.
The arrival of colour, and the motor car! But a coach is still waiting near the boathouse.
The same photograph, but with a slightly widened view, and in b&w. The Valentine code, 91556 sugests a date of 1924.
A similar view with the number 91555, presumably taken on the same day. The carriage now has its horses, and more cars are visible on the right.
A pencil note on the back reads, I think, June 1924 (the last figure is hard to read - certainly the 1920s). This is not a Valentine image - photographer unacknowledged. A motorbike with sidecar can be seen on the right.
We enter the era of the open charabanc with this view, a crad written on 29/7/1925.
A pencil note on the back of this splendid photograph of drivers waiting for the boat suggests it dates from c1928.
This also dated 1928, a German photograph of tourists crammed into the open-topped charabancs. A coach, pulled by horses, can just be made out in font of the boathouse.
An unposted postcard, photographer unknown, presumably from much the same era. I have another which was posted in 1938, but I suspect the photograph is earlier than that. No sign of the horse and cart.
This card by Valentine can be dated to 1949, so we are in the post-war era.
Another Valentine image, which can be dated to 1954. The building on the right is now revealed in all it glory....
A J.B. White 'Best-of-All' series postcard.
Similar cras on this Valentine image, which can be dated to 1955.
Nearing our time - looks to me like it could be at least the 1980s, but you car enthusiasts will be able to tell me exactly from when this Colourmaster postcard dates.